Lowongan Pekerjaan Safety Thiess
Perusahaan besar Thiess membuka kesempatan kerja untuk menduduki posisi sebagai Safety Superintendent :
Thiess is a multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia. Our business provides integrated services in mining, civil construction, process engineering, and telecommunication throughout Indonesia. With continued growth we are seeking experienced resources that will be based in Project Site in Kalimantan as:
Safety Superintendent - Ref. No. 496159
Reporting to the Project Manager you will provide leadership, motivation, direction and assistance to Site Management staff to expand and improve TCI safety management system and programs; implement improvement to TCI Safety Management System to ensure the conservation of people, property, environment and profits; ensure the compliance of Safety Management issues for TCI are being managed so as to provide assurance to meet our obligations for our people, business, legal, statutory, clients, community and shareholders.
To be successful in this role you will need: minimum of 5 years experience in similar role in Mining, Construction or Oil & Gas Industry.
General requirements:
• Tertiary Education, preferable degree holder in Engineering or OHS discipline.
• Familiar with Safety Management at all levels and focus on risk management
• Strong leadership, self motivated, ability to influence, innovative and problem solving
• Candidate should proficient in English and familiar with the use Microsoft Power Point, Word and Excel.
Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate.
Please apply online through our web: http://careers.thiess.co.id no later than 25 October 2008.
Kategori Lowongan Tambang
Bagi Anda yang mencari lowongan CPNS, kali ini ada lowongan pekerjaan CPN di Sekretariat Negara :
Dalam rangka mengisi lowongan formasi CPNS Tahun Anggaran 2008, sebagaimana ditetapkan dengan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor: KEP/305/M.PAN/9/2008, tanggal 9 September 2008, Sekretariat Negara RI membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang berminat menjadi CPNS di lingkungan Sekretariat Negara RI.... info asli
Kategori CPNS
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT ANTAM (Aneka Tambang) Sampai 15 Oktober 2008
Perusahan internasional PT Aneka Tambang (ANTAM) membuka lowongan kerja.
PT Antam Tbk, internationally-listed, leading Indonesian diversified mining and metals
state owned company has an challenging opportunity for highly motivated, qualified
and dedicated individuals to join Antam’s solid operations in Indonesia for the following
A. Diploma Staff
1. Mechanical Engineering (code : A1)
2. Electrical Engineering (electronics) (code : A2)
3. Accounting (code : A3)
4. Geodesi (code : A4)
B. Bachelor Staff
1. Legal (Business Law) (code : B1)
2. Accounting (code : B2)
3. Informatics/Computer Science (code : B3A , B3B)
4. Metallurgical Engineering (code : B4)
5. Geological Engineering (code : B5)
6. Mining Engineering (code : B6)
7. Exploration Mining Engineering (code : B7)
C. Experience Staff
1. Good Corporate Governance Staff (code : C1)
2. Geological Engineering (code : C2)
3. Mining Engineering (code : C3)
Please see the requirement in our website www.antam.com
under the “Career Opportunities” section
not later than October 15th, 2008
Send the complete application only (graduate certificate,
transcript, curriculum vitae) and put the position code
on the envelope to:
Senior Manager, Human Resources Management
Head Office of PT ANTAM Tbk
Jl. T.B. Simatupang No. 1, Tanjung Barat
Jakarta 12530
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT ANTAM (Aneka Tambang) Sampai 15 Oktober 2008
Kategori Lowongan Kerja 2008
Lowongan Kerja di Medan Sebagai Business Development Executive
Bagi Anda yang sedang mencari lowongan pekerjaan di Medan terutama yang mencari lowongan untuk posisi Business Development Executive, PT. SAI GLOBAL INDONESIA membuka lowongan terbaru. Berikut rinciannya:
SAI Global is one of the largest business improvement organizations in Indonesia, with Professional Services and Assurance Division. SAI Global invites suitable qualified candidates to fill the following position:
Business Development Executive (Medan Office)
Requirement :
-D3 or university graduate majoring in marketing management or related field
-At least 2 years working experiences in service industry, preferably in Certification Body for management system (ISO 9001, etc.) or management consultant
-At least 2 years in similar position
-Excellent analytical, presentation and communication skill in English and Bahasa Indonesia
-Willing to travel in Indonesia region
-Pleasant personality with wide network
-Willing to do some telemarketing task
-Able to drive car and has drive license preferred
Please send your resume, curriculum vitae and expected salary to :
PT. SAI Global Indonesia
HR Division
Graha Iskandarsyah, 4th Floor
Jl.Iskandarsyah Raya No.66-C
Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta 12160
Lowongan Kerja di Medan Sebagai Business Development Executive
Kategori Lowongan Medan
Lowongan Kerja Management Trainee di Kabelindo
Kabelindo adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi kabel dan salah satu perusahaan kabel ternama di Indonesia.
Kabelindo membuka lowongan kerja yang akan ditempatkan di posisi : Management Trainee (MT).
Berikut rinciannya:
We are a company that produces electrical wires telecommunication cables and cable related accessories. Our company is one of the leading cable manufacturers in Indonesia. Now, we are looking for the best and brightest candidates to fill the position of :
Management Trainee (MT)
Bachelor Degree from reputable university majoring in :
- Industrial Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
GPA min 2, 75 / 4
Age Maximum 27 years old
Maximum 1 year experience. Fresh graduate are preferable
Good organizational & interpersonal skills
Good command in English both oral & written
Good computer skills (Ms Office)
Willing to participate in an intensive Training Program
Please send your application, curriculum vitae and recent photograph written in English to:
helda@kabelindo.co.id and Cc to : hrd@kabelindo.co.id  latest on September 30, 2008. Please note the position code on the subject of your e-mail..
Lowongan Kerja Management Trainee di Kabelindo
Kategori Lowongan Management Trainee
Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Close Date 30 September 2008
Bagi Anda yang sangat menginginkan kerja di BUMN terutama di Pertaminina berikut adalah lowongan kerja di Pertamina sebagai Operator dan Teknisi Kilang.
Berikut rinciannya:
Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pekerja di lingkungan
Daerah Operasi Unit Pengolahan (UP) II, III, IV, V & VII PT.PERTAMINA (PERSERO) membutuhkan 201 orang lulusan Diploma 3/Sederajat untuk dipekerjakan sebagai Operator dan Teknisi Kilang dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:
1. Jenis kelamin laki-laki; Status belum menikah bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, kecuali bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
2. Pendidikan terakhir D3 jurusan Teknik Kimia (TK), Analis Kimia (AK), Teknik Listrik – Arus Kuat (TLA), Mesin (TM), Instrumen/Elektroni ka (TIE), Lingkungan (TL), Teknik Pengolahan Migas (TPM).
3. Bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina, minimal pengalaman kerja 3 tahun di Pertamina UP tujuan lamaran.
4. IPK minimal 2.75.
5. Usia maksimal 24 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau maksimal 32 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
6. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm.
7. Tercatat sebagai pencari kerja di Kantor Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) setempat.
8. Bebas narkoba.
9. Berbadan sehat, tidak buta warna, dan diutamakan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
10. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO).
11. Lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi.
Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, dapat mengajukan surat lamaran dengan melampirkan dokumen :
a. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
b. Copy ijazah D3 & SMA/sederajat yang telah dilegalisir
c. Copy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
d. Copy akte kelahiran/surat kenal lahir dari instansi berwenang
e. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian setempat
f. Surat Pernyataan Diri Bebas Narkoba di atas materai Rp.6.000,-
g. Copy KTP/SIM yang masih berlaku
h. Copy Kartu Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning/Hijau) yang masih berlaku
i. 3 (tiga) lembar pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 (berwarna)
j. Alamat untuk surat panggilan (alamat terakhir dan kode pos).
Alamat lamaran :
Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan di 5 (lima) wilayah Unit Pengolahan, yaitu: UP II–Dumai, UP III–Plaju, UP IV–Cilacap, UP V–Balikpapan, dan UP VII–Sorong, dan sekitarnya atau di tempat lain yang akan ditentukan kemudian.
Pelamar agar mengirimkan lamaran ke wilayah Unit Pengolahan terdekat dengan domisili/daerah asalnya.
Lamaran harus dikirimkan melalui Pos dalam amplop tertutup (pelamar t id ak boleh menyampaikan langsung atau melalui perantara) dan dilalamatkan kepada:
1. Team Rekrutasi
P.O.BOX 1122
2. Tim Rekrutasi
PO BOX 1111
Palembang 30000
3. Tim Rekrutasi Pertamina UP IV Cilacap
PO BOX 2008
Cilacap 53200
4. Tim Rekrutasi PO BOX NO. 634,
Balikpapan 76100
5. Tim Rekrutasi Pertamina UP VII Sorong
PO BOX 283, Sorong
Pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran, cantumkan kode jurusan bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau “OS” bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
Lamaran selambat-lambatnya diterima tanggal: 30 September 2008 (stempel pos).
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes/seleksi dan tidak dikenakan biaya apapun (tanpa biaya).
Lamaran yang disampaikan sebelum pengumuman ini tidak akan diproses, dan surat lamaran yang telah dikirim tidak akan dikembalikan.
Informasi lebih lanjut agar menghubungi UP tujuan lamaran atau Disnaker wilayah setempat.
Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan seleksi merupakan hak Tim Rekrutasi dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Kategori Lowongan Pertamin
Lowongan Kerja di Biliton Indonesia sampai 9 September 2008
Billiton Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di sumber daya alam membuka lowongan kerja sebagai HSES Administrator
Billiton Indonesia is the leading diversified natural resources group in the world, with a portfolio of high-quality, long-life assets. We have a diverse range of products, customers and markets, and excellent growth opportunities. We are currently undertaking a study to determine the feasibility of developing a significant coal in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The opportunity would involve the construction of world-class mining facilities, a process plant and associated infrastructure. If you have an overriding commitment to health, safety, environmental responsibility and sustainable development we invite you to join our dynamic high performance project team
HSES Administrator
Reporting to the Haju HSE Superintendent, this challenging and exciting position will be accountable for assisting Haju HSES Department in coordinating all administration management system implementation within the BHPB 15 HSEC Standards framework. Responsibilities include administrating First Priority Enterprise system, managing HSES documentation, corrective action database and performance statistics.
To be considered for this position, the applicant should at least graduated from academy from any discipline preferably Occupational Health and Safety, Engineering, Computer or Science with at least 2 years experience in QHSE administration/document control function. Team player with good communication skill in Bahasa and English. Excellent ability to operate database and Microsoft Office (particularly MS Excel and MS Access).
Apply online at JOBS.BHPBILLITON.COM or send your application to recruitment.int@bhpbilliton.com . Application Close 9 September 2008.
Lowongan Kerja di Biliton Indonesia sampai 9 September 2008
Kategori Lowongan Tambang
Lowongan Kerja di Kalbe Farma Jakarta sampai 30 September 2008
Siapa tak kenal PT. Kalbe Farma, perusahaan terkenal dibidang farmasi. Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan untuk menempati posisi CORPORATE FINANCE / TREASURY FINANCE dan RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (FORMULATION MANAGER)
PT. KALBE FARMA Tbk, a leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, URGENTLY in need of dynamic and self-driven professional to fulfill the position as :
Qualifications :
* A graduate of Accounting
* Aged between 22-24 years old
* Have at least 2 years of experience in Finance / Treasury
* Minimum GPA 3.0 / 4.0 from a reputable university
* Good knowledge in tax and computer
* Fluent in English
A. Responsibilities:
* To manage research and development activities in accordance with sound scientific principles to develop oral DDS products. Activities may include designing protocols, creating product prototypes, analyzing the results, and preparing reports.
* Willing to work in Cikarang.
B. Requirements:
* Bachelor Degree (Master Degree is preferred) in Pharmaceutical/ Biotechnology/Biochemistry/related Life Sciences.
* At least 3 year-hands-on experience in formulation and sustained-release coating of solid oral multiparticulate (pellet) osage form.
* Passionate in formulation/DDS development, creative, independent, good team player.
Should you meet all the above qualifications, please send your application no later than September 30, 2008, give us detailed CV with a recent photograph and other relevant information to:
HR Corporate
PT. Kalbe Farma, Tbk
Gedung Kalbe, Jl. Letjend Soeprapto Kav. IV Jakarta Pusat 10510
Email: Recruitment.corp@kalbe.co.id
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Lowongan Kerja di Kalbe Farma Jakarta sampai 30 September 2008
Kategori Lowongan Farmasi
Lowongan Kerja GIS and Remote Sensing di Jakarta
Anda punya kemampuan tentang GIS atau anda lulusan IT, Teknik Geodesi, Geografi dan Design Graphic, ada lowongan kerja di TRIPUTRA AGRO PERSADA GROUP
Close Date : September 12,2008
Oil Palm Plantation, CPO Mills and Rubber Plantation
We understand that our employees are our major assets. We believe in empowering our employees, building on their strengths, balancing cultural diversities, offering equal opportunity, providing continuous training & development to ensure employee satisfaction and ultimately enhance career prospects will give positive impact to business growth that should also aligned with vision, mision and company values.
At Triputra Agro Persada, we are looking for people who want to grow with us, take a chances and stand out from the crowd. We need minded thinker who embrace tommorow, have vision and technical knowledge, also have dedicated of work ethics.
GIS and Remote Sensing Staff
* Min. Bachelor degree in IT, Geodesy, Geography and Graphic Design with GPA of 3.00 (scale 4) from reputable university
* Max. 28 years old (single)
* Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
* Familiar with editing image (exp. Adobe Photoshop, Coreldraw, Flash, etc)
Please send your resume to:
Menara Karya 18th Floor
Jl HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 1–2 Jakarta 12950
or by email to: recruitment@triputraagropersada.com
cc to: taprecruitment@gmail.com
Lowongan Kerja GIS and Remote Sensing di Jakarta
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan kerja di Kontraktor
Bagi Anda lulusan Teknik Arsitek dan Akutansi ada lowongan di perusahaan kontraktor.
Perusahaan kontraktor nasional membuka lowongan kerja sebagai :
1. QS Manager & Staff
2. Arsitek / 3D Artist / Drafter CAD
3. Accounting & Tax Supervisor (Female)
Syarat :
Pengalaman min 5 th, mau bekerja keras, jujur dan bertanggung jawab.
Kirim lamaran lengkap ke :
PT. Multi Makmur Jaya Abadi
Jl. Balikpapan Raya No. 1, Jakarta 10160
Lowongan kerja di Kontraktor
Kategori Lowongan Kontraktor
Lowongan Kerja Programmer/Analyst Power Builder untuk Fresh Graduate
Anda Lulusan kuliah bulan Agustus atau akan segera lulus di bulan september 2008? Kabar gembira bagi Anda yang menguasai bahasa program Power Builder.
PT. Infotech Solutions, is a growing IT Company in Indonesia, seeking 2 qualified programmers for position:
General qualifications:
- Min D III IT major
- Min 3 years experience in IT
- Good english communication skills
- Have a highly motivated and team oriented
For qualified candidates, please send your updated resume no later than 26 Sept 2008 to hr@infotech. co.id. Please put the code: PowerBuilder Programmer/Analyst in your email subject.
Only shortlisted candidate who meet the qualifications will be notified.
PT. Infotech Solutions
307, Century Tower,
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X2/4
Fax: 6221 522 8824
www.infotech. co.id
Lulusan D3 IT Lowongan Agustus September 2008
Lowongan Kerja Programmer/Analyst Power Builder untuk Fresh Graduate
Kategori Lowongan Programmer
Lowongan Kerja Maskapai Penerbangaan Informasi Teknologi di Batavia Air
Anda sedang mencari lowongona dibidang IT? mungkin ini yang anda cari :
Dibutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk mengisi berbagai posisi di divisi IT
1. Server Engineers
- Pria max 28 tahun
- pendidikan S-1 Tehnik Informatika
- Pengalaman 1 tahun atau non pengalaman
- Menguasai Program Linux os dan windows server
- Mempunyai Pengetahuan atau pengalaman dalam hal instalasi dan
maintenance mailserver, webserver, database server, serta DNS server
- Bersedia bekerja dalam shift
2. database admin :
- Pria max 28 tahun
- pendidikan S-1 tehnik Informatika
- memilki pengalaman 1 tahun sebagai database admin
- menguasai SQL tunning
- menguasai Oracle 10g
- mengerti sistem operasi Linux
- memahami maintenance Data Base Admin
seperti install Data Base Admin
- pria atau wanita max 28 tahun
jika berminat segera kirim cv dan lamaran
ke : ferdy_it@batavia-air.co.id
Lowongan Kerja Maskapai Penerbangaan Informasi Teknologi di Batavia Air
Kategori Lowongan IT
Lowongan Kerja di Bank BCA
Closing Date: 12-9-08.
Kesempatan Berkarir
Management Development Program (MDP)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Pendidikan Sarjana Strata 1 / Strata 2
* Indeks prestasi minimal 3.00 (skala 4.00) baik strata 1 maupun strata 2
* Komunikasi yang sistematis
* Memiliki daya analisa yang tinggi
* Motivasi tinggi
* Usia maksimal 25 tahun (untuk S1) dan 27 tahun (untuk S2)
* Belum menikah dan bersedia untuk tidak menikah selama pendidikan
* Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
* Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas setelah pendidikan
* Lulus dalam seleksi
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Khusus untuk lowongan MDP, lamaran di tujukan langsung Web Site MDP di: www.mdpbca.com
Lowongan Kerja di BCA
Kategori Lowongan Bank
Lowongan Kerja Bank Panin sampai 20 September 2008
PT Panin Life Tbk
A leading financial services company urgently requires highly motivated and qualified people to fill position as :
IT Applications Analyst
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Barat)
Good attitude, interpersonal and communication skill, customer focus, continuous learning, and responsible
Good team player and able to speak in English
Hold S1 Degree in IT
Knowledge in Life Insurance is a must
Familiar with VB.Net programming and MS SQL Server
Please forward detail application to :
hrd@paninlife.co.id by September 8th 2008
Closing Date: 20-9-08.
Lowongan Kerja Bank Panin sampai 20 September 2008
Kategori Lowongan Bank
Lowongan Kerja di Bank DKI Deadline 24 agustus 2008
Pengen banget kerja di Bank? Cobain deh di Bank DKI siapa tahu keterima. Lowongan Kerja yang dibuka adalah Teller, Customer Service dan Administrasi.
Konfirm dulu ya..
Deadline : 24 August 2008
Bank DKI, Bank yang sedang tumbuh dan selalu siap membantu masyarakat Jakarta, mengundang putra-putri yang memiliki kompentensi, semangat, integritas tinggi, serta ulet bergabung bersama-sama untuk membangun Bank DKI menjadi yang terbaik dan membanggakan, sebagai:
A. Teller
B. Customer Service
C. Administrasi
Bagi pelamar yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan dapat langsung mengisi Aplikasi Surat Lamaran sesuai kententuan di bawah ini:
I. Persyaratan Umum:
- Pria/Wanita
- Tinggi Badan: Pria min 165 cm dan Wanita min. 160 cm dengan Berat Badan Proposional.
- Penampilan menarik.
- Berkepribadian Baik.
- Customer Oriented
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Unit Kerja Bank.
- Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
- Tidak sedang menjalani Ikatan Dinas dengan instansi lain.
II. Persyaratan Khusus
* Teller:
- Usia pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2008 maksimal 23 tahun.
- Pendidikan SMK - SMA / Sederajat - D3 (semua program studi)
* CS/Administrasi
- Usia pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2008 maksimal 27 tahun.
- Pendidikan min. S1 dari PTN/PTS yang terakreditasi
- Program Studi: Matematika, Statistik, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Arsitektur, Komputer, Informatika, Hukum, Ekonomi, Psikologi, Administrasi, Komunikasi, Humas, Public Relation
Bagi kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas dapat mengirimkan Aplikasi Surat Lamaran secara on-line mulai tanggal 16 Agustus 2008 sampai tanggal 24 Agustus 2008.
Persyaratan setiap posisi dan tata cara pengajuan lamaran serta pengisian Aplikasi lamaran dapat dilihat melalui website http://www.lmfeui.org/bankdki/career
Lowongan Kerja di Bank DKI Deadline 24 agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Bank, Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja Dosen ITS Berlaku sampai 12 September 2008
Berlaku sampai dengan 12 September 2008
URL Sumber : http://rekrutmen.its-sby.edu
NOTE : Bagi yang berdomisili di luar negeri, lamaran bisa dikirimkan lewat email ke
rekrutmen [et] its-sby.edu
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka di Indonesia dengan mahasiswa lebih dari 17.672. ITS memiliki staf pengajar lebih dari 1012 orang. Para staf pengajar adalah sarjana dari perguruan tinggi terkemuka baik dalam negeri ataupun luar negeri. Ini menjadikan ITS menjadi sumber acuan perguruan tinggi lain utamanya
di kawasan Indonesia Timur.
Jurusan Sistem Informasi adalah salah satu jurusan dengan perkembangan tercepat di ITS. Sebagai Jurusan yang meraih ITS Best Performance 2007, jurusan Sistem Informasi bertekad menjadi salah satu jurusan terpandang di ASEAN di tahun 2015 .
Jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS mempunyai staf pengajar (dosen) yang profesional dan berkualitas yang menempuh pendidikan lanjut dari berbagai universitas terkemuka di dunia: Inggris, Belanda, Jepang, Taiwan, dan Korea Selatan.
Jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS kini didominasi oleh orang muda bertalenta dan berproduktivitas tinggi di bidang Teknologi Informasi (64% dari semua staff dosen berusia dibawah 35 tahun dan 52% berusia dibawah 30 tahun).
Jurusan Sistem Informasi ITS kini kembali membuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya bagi para fresh graduate, researcher , akademisi, dan profesional terbaik untuk bergabung sebagai staff pengajar (dosen) honorer FULL TIME
1. S1 dari :
1. Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka (berakreditasi A) atau
2. PT Luar Negeri (terakreditasi DIKTI di www.evaluasi.or.id )
2. S1 dengan major/minor : :
1. Sistem Informasi/ Manajemen Informatika
2. Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Informatika
3. Teknik Komputer
4. Teknologi Informasi
5. Teknik Perangkat Lunak
3. IPK S1>=3
4. TOEFL Score >=500 (institutional TOEFL is welcome)
5. Berdedikasi dan berkomitmen tinggi terhadap dunia pendidikan
6. Jika masih S1, bersedia melanjutkan studi S2 di bidang Sistem Informasi
7. Lebih disukai sudah memegang ijazah S2
8. Lebih disukai memiliki prestasi, baik nasional maupun internasional
9. Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman kerja
10. Lebih disukai memiliki sertifikasi internasional (CISA, PMP, SCJP, MCP, OCP, CCNP, dsb)
Surat Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke :
Yth. Ketua Jurusan Sistem Informasi
d.a Bagian Tata Usaha Jurusan Sistem Informasi
Gedung Fakultas Teknologi Informasi (FTIf) Lt 2
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya Kodepos 60111
dengan dilampiri :
1. Curiculum Vitae (CV)
2. Copy Ijazah / Surat Keterangan Lulus (S1 dan S2, kalau ada)
3. Copy Transkrip Akademik (S1 dan S2, kalau ada)
4. Copy Sertifikasi TOEFL
5. Foto 4×6 (I Lembar)
Hanya kandidat terbaik sajalah yang akan dipanggil
Staff Pengajar Berprestasi
1. Nur Aini Rahmawati ( Int.Joomla Developer 2008, Google Summer Code Mentor 2007, Nominee Linked List Open Data Triplify Challange - I Semantics Austria 2008), 26 tahun
2. Hatma Suryotrisongko ( Juara 2 Kategori e-Tourism and e-Culture INAICTA 2008), 24 tahun
3. Dhany Saputra (Paper Reviewer ICIAS (International Conference on Knowladge Mining), sponsored by IEEE 2007), 24 tahun
4. Eko Wahyu Tyas (Juara I Bidang Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PKMM) PIMNAS 2007), 23 tahun
5. Faizal Johan Atletiko (Juara 2 Indosat Mobile Competition, 2006 ), 31 tahun
Tags: Dosen IT
Lowongan Kerja Dosen ITS Berlaku sampai 12 September 2008
Kategori Lowongan Dosen, Lowongan Surabaya
Bagi Anda yang pengen banget kerja di bank apalagi suka didaerah SURABAYA, GRESIK, SIDOARJO, MOJOKERTO, MOJOSARI, LAMONGAN, JOMBANG atau BOJONEGORO, berikut adalah lowongan kerja di bank Panin terkakhir tanggal 29 Agustus 2008.
PT. Panin Bank, Tbk salah satu bank ke-8 terbesar di Indonesia membuka kesempatan karir bagi yang mempunyai integritas tinggi, ulet, dan kompeten untuk bergabung dalam team kami
dengan posisi sebagai berikut :
Kualifikasi :
* Usia maksimal 30 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3 dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman minimal 2 th di perbankan, diutamakan berpengalaman dibidang funding
* Memiliki customer base yang luas dan sanggup bekerja dengan target
* Berpenampilan menarik, komunikatif, dan memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (min. Ms. Office)
* Penempatan di Surabaya, Mojokerto, Gresik, dan Sidoarjo
Tugas utama:
Memasarkan produk-produk funding Panin Bank : Giro, tabungan, & deposito
SMART - Account Officer (Kode : AO - SMB)
Kualifikasi :
* Usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal S1 dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di perbankan, diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang Commercial Banking
* Sanggup bekerja dengan target
* Mampu melakukan analisa kredit
* Berpenampilan menarik, komunikatif, dan memiliki kemampuan negosiasi yang baik
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (min. Ms. Office)
* Penempatan di Surabaya, Mojokerto, dan Gresik
Kualifikasi :
* Usia maks 25 tahun
* Pendidikan min. S1 dengan IPK min 2.75
* Diutamakan wanita, tinggi badan min. 160 cm, berpenampilan menarik, berbadan sehat,
* Tidak berkaca mata & tidak berkawat gigi.
* Memiliki keterampilan komputer min. Ms Office
* Memiliki sense of business, kemampuan berkomunikasi, bernegosiasi & presentasi dengan baik.
* Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh cabang Bank Panin di daerah : SURABAYA, GRESIK, SIDOARJO, MOJOKERTO, MOJOSARI, LAMONGAN, JOMBANG & BOJONEGORO
Tugas utama :
Memproses pembukaan, penutupan rekening dan perubahan data rekening nasabah, Membantu memasarkan/ menjual produk dan jasa perbankan sesuai kebutuhan nasabah, Memberikan pelayanan (service counter) termasuk layanan informasi saldo.
Memberikan pelayanan yang berkesan ramah, mudah dan akurat kepada para nasabah, Melaksanakan proses transaksi teller, Menerima setoran untuk rekening/ simpanan nasabah
Krimkan berkas lamaran Anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran, sertakan surat lamaran, CV, foto kopi ijazah, foto kopi transkrip nilai, foto kopi KTP & pas foto berwarna terbaru uk. 4×6 ke :
Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 29 Agustus 2008
Lowongan Kerja Pipelines Engineer di Malaysia
Bagi Anda yang punya pengalaman di konstruksi minyak dan gas di lepas pantai lowongan ini bisa dipertimbangkan.
One of the largest Fabricators and Construction for Ship Building and Offshore Constructions in Malaysia, are seeking qualified, experienced and hard working personnel for the positions Pipelines Engineer
- All candidates must have relevant experience in pipelines constructions
of on/offshore oil & gas facilities for more than 3 years.
- Possess university diploma or degree
Please state the position you are applying for in your CV, indicate years of experience, expected salary, current contact number, e-mail address and forward to us in MS WORD.
PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE PHOTOGRAPHS AND CERTIFICATES. Appreciate size of your CV do not exceed 200 kb, otherwise yours may not reach us.
If you are interested, having experience in the marine & oil & gas
construction and meet the requirements, please forward your CV to us.
FRESH graduates are NOT requested to apply.
Please send your CV/resume to : vienergy@cbn.net.id
or darul11@yahoo.com.
Lowongan Kerja Pipelines Engineer di Malaysia
Kategori Lowongan Malaysia
Lowongan Telkom Untuk Fresh Graduate Gajahmada (UGM) Sampai 15 Agustus 2008
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, the biggest state-owned Telecommunication Company in Indonesia, now open job vacancy for fresh graduate of Gajahmada University (UGM).
The qualifications are:
1. General Qualifications:
• Indonesian Citizen (WNI);
• Willing to be placed at the entire Telkom operation area;
• Free of narcotics and never doing criminals;
• Have no job contract with the other company when assign Telkom Job Contract later;
• Never join Telkom recruitment test before.
2. Specific Qualifications:
* Major / Degree : Accounting – S1
Management (Marketing) - S1/S2
Law – S1/S2
* Graduation Date : Maximum 3 years lately (max at July 1st, 2005)
* GPA : Minimum GPA 2.75 for Bachelor degree and 3.25 for Master degree
* Age at July 1st 2008 : Maximum 25 years old for Bachelor degree (S1) and 27
* years old for Master degree (S2)
3. How to Apply:
- Make application letter with these attachments:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of certificate and GPA transcript that have been legalized
- Two photographs (3×4 cm)
- Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian / SKCK (This document can be sent later)
Addressed to:
BANDUNG – 40133
* Direct submit the application letter through Direktorat Kemahasiswaan UGM not later then August 15th, 2008
* Recruitment schedule will be informed on presentation session that will be held on Monday, August 19th, 2008 at 09.00 a.m.
Lowongan Telkom Untuk Fresh Graduate Gajahmada (UGM) Sampai 15 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Telkom
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs di Ritz-Carlton, Bali Resort dan Spa Jimbaran Bali Sampai 1 September 2008
The Ritz-Carlton, Bali Resort & Spa as one of the world’s leading resort and winner of many prestigious awards, is currently seeking for highly talented individuals with relevant skills and experiences for the following positions”
1. Assistant Director of Finance
2. Assistant Director of Banquet
3. Front Office Manager
4. Sous Chef/ Chef de Cuisine
5. Market Research Analyst
6. Public Relations Coordinator
7. Housekeeping Supervisor
8. Mandarin Guest Relations Coordinator
9. Korean Guest Relations Cordinator (Native Speaker)
10. Legal Officer
11. Accounting Clerk
12. F & B Server
13. Restaurant Hostess
14. Commis de Cuisine
15. Administrative Assistant
16. Spa Therapist
17. Spa Receptionist (Japanese Speaking)
18. Interior Designer
19. Retail Attendant
- Two years experience in similar position in five star hotel
- Excellent command of English both written and spoken
- Good Interpersonal Skills
- Energetic, presentable, enthusiastic and positive individual
- Skilled in preparing Indonesian, Asian and Western cuisine (4)
- Accounting education background (11)
- Skilled in Balinese massage, facial and body scrub (11)
Interested candidates are invited to send application by post, fax or e-mail to the address below. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Application letter must be received no later than Monday, 01 September 2008.
Human Resources Department
The Ritz-Carlton, Bali Resort & Spa
Jalan Karang Mas Sejahtera
Jimbaran, Bali 80364
Facsimile: (0361) 702 156
E-mail: hrdept@ritzcarlton-bali.com
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs di Ritz-Carlton, Bali Resort dan Spa Jimbaran Bali Sampai 1 September 2008
Kategori Lowongan Bali
Lowongan Kerja PPIC Dan Production Manager Sampai 15 Agustus 2008
Currently we represent a multinational company, Food & Beverages Manufacturing, to find suitable candidates to fill the position of:
A. PPIC Manager (Job Code: PIC/08-2008) Requirements: . Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering, Food Technology, or Management . Having at least 5 years exposure in PPIC for FMCG Manufacturing company with latest position as PPIC Assistant Manager . Sounds familiar with MRP, Inventory Control, Production Planning, and other PPIC related activities . Active in English . Willing to work in Cikarang area
B. Production Manager (Job Code: PRO/08-2008) Requirements: . Bachelor Degree (S1) in Food Technology . Having at least 5 years exposure in Production for Food Processing Manufacturing company with latest position as Production Assistant Manager . Sounds familiar with HACCP & GMP compliances . Having good leadership & communication skill . Active in English . Willing to work in Cikarang area
If you interested to fill the mention above positions, you required to submit your comprehensive resume in MS Word format to: miko_soeganda@asiaselect.co.id and not later than 15 August 2008
Lowongan Kerja PPIC Dan Production Manager Sampai 15 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Kerja, Lowongan Kerja 2008
Bursa Kerja JobsDB.com CAREER EXPO 2008
*JobsDB.com CAREER EXPO 2008*
- 7 - 9 November 2008 - Balai Kartini Expo - Diikuti lebih dari 150 perusahaan - Dikunjungi 50.000 pencari kerja - 21 media partner (TV, koran, majalah, radio)
Berbeda dengan seluruh pameran bursa kerja yang pernah diadakan JobsDB sebelumnya, JobsDB.com CAREER EXPO 2008 adalah suatu proyek JobsDB International, yang akan ditangani secara profesional dari seluruh utusan kantor Jobs DB dari berbagai negara.
* Fitur unggulan :*
- Paperless - JobsDB Black Card - JobsDB Dimension
Tempat penjualan tiket dan prosedur pendaftaran untuk Job Seekers (pengunjung) akan diumumkan kemudian melalui website JobsDB.com.
Further info : Sisca 0818 0844 6675 (CORPORATE ONLY)
Bursa Kerja JobsDB.com CAREER EXPO 2008
Kategori Bursa Kerja
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs di Cikarang Terakhir 21 Agustus 2008
As the largest and export oriented TV Tuner & electronics components manufacturer which has been implementing six sigma and located at Cikarang, Bekasi, LG Innotek Indonesia,co. , Ltd would like to invite you to join us as a part of our winning team as:
1. Engineering Staff (code: ENG-ST)
- Male / Female
- Graduated from bachelor degree of electrical or mechanical engineering
2. R&D Staff (code: R&D-ST)
- Male / Female
- Graduated from bachelor degree of electrical or mechanical engineering
3. PPC Staff (code: PPC-ST)
- Male / Female
- Graduated from bachelor degree of Industrial Engineering, Economi , Management
4. PURCHASING Staff (code: PCH-ST)
- Male / Female
- Graduated from bachelor degree of Industrial , Electrical Engineering, Economi , Management
5. MARKETING Staff (code: MKT-ST)
- Male / Female
- Graduated from bachelor degree of Industrial , Electrical Engineering, Economi , Management
6. IT Staff (code: IT-ST)
- Male
- Graduated from diploma of Information Technology
- Able for support production, preferable mastering in computer hardware
General requirement:
- Age max.26 years old
- Experience (0-1 years)
- Able to work under pressure is a must
- Be able to speak and written english
- High motivated
- Able to work in a team
- Can be placed in Cikarang, Bekasi West Java
Remuneration Offer:
· Fixed salary
· Daily management overtime
· Company incentives
· Health insurance
· Shuttle transportation
If you meet our requirement above please send us your application letter and your latest CV and photo before , Thursday August 21st, 2008
To email :
noviwaty@lginnotek. com
with maximum 200 KB size on .doc or .pdf format
Bekasi International Industrial Estate Block C8 No. 12&12A
Lemahabang, Bekasi Timur 17550 Jawa Barat
Name the position code on subject column on your email or on your envelope and please mention your current and expected salary. Only short listed candidate would be process. Please call us or visit our website www.lginnotek. com for further information, or phone
at 021-8990 6619-20 ext 128
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs di Cikarang Terakhir 21 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Cikarang
Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduate di Surabaya
Yes, by joining us, you can combine your professional ambitions with your personal development. Through the development of advanced public transport and cleaner electric power production, we are helping to address some of the key issues that face this planet today. If you are looking for a world of economic, social and environmental change, look no further. Act and think of the future. Your future at Alstom.
ENGINEERING Graduates Development Program (EGDP)
BACHELOR Degree from :
* Mechanical Engineering
* Naval Engineering
* Offshore Engineering
* Civil Structure Engineering
DIPLOMA Degree from :
* Mechanical Engineering
* Naval Engineering
Minimum graduate on 2008 with min. GPA : 3.00
Application submission and test :
Application submission deadline, August 11 , 2008
Lowongan Kerja Fresh Graduate di Surabaya
Kategori Lowongan Surabaya
Lowongan Kerja Internal Auditor di Danone Jakarta Agustus 2008
We are currently searching immediately for a:
Internal Auditor ( Spv )
The role of this position is responsible for performs financial / operational audit assignment; Involves in SOX, DICE & ICC; Involve in risk mapping and business risks management.
The qualifications are:
- University graduate, in Accounting with minimum GPA 2,75
- Having 2 years experience as Auditor (Internal / External)
- Strong knowledge in auditing and accounting skills
- Good analytical and problem solving skills
- Excellent English (spoken & written) & Computer literate
- Willing to travel across Indonesia for audit assignment
Please send your application letter with complete resume to:
Email: recruitment.tiv@danone.com
Subject: Internal Auditor (Spv)
not more than 2 weeks after this advertisement. Qualified candidates will be notified and invited for interviews.
Lowongan Kerja Internal Auditor di Danone Jakarta Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja di Bintang Toejoe Jakarta Sampai 15 Agustus 2008
Bintang Toedjoe merupakan industri farmasi nasional terkemuka yang
sedang berkembang pesat.Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang inovatif dan dinamis
untuk posisi:
- Pria, single, usia maks. 25 tahun
- Fresh Graduate dengan Pendidikan min. D-3 Teknik Sipil/ Elektro/ Listrik
- Punya pengalaman organisasi
- Jujur,tegas dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan lamaran lengkap paling lambat
tanggal 15 Agustus 2008 ke:
Jl. Jend A. Yani no 2
Pulomas – Jakarta 13210
Atau melalui email:
Lowongan Kerja di Bintang Toejoe Jakarta Sampai 15 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja di Bank Indonesia :Pengawas Bank Pertama dan beberapa posisi di bidang Logistik dan Teknologi Informasi.
Lowongan Kerja di Bank Indonesia :Pengawas Bank Pertama dan beberapa posisi di bidang Logistik dan Teknologi Informasi
Peluang Berkarya
Bank Indonesia mengundang profesional muda yang berintegritas dan berdedikasi tinggi melalui program Multi Level Entry untuk jabatan Non-Staf yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi Pengawas Bank Pertama dan beberapa posisi di bidang Logistik dan Teknologi Informasi.
Persyaratan Administratif:
1. Usia maksimum 30 tahun pada 1 Agustus 2008 (Lahir setelah 31 Juli 1978) untuk posisi Pengawas Bank Pertama (PBP)
2. Usia maksimum 31 tahun (Lahir setelah 31 Juli 1977) untuk posisi di bidang Logistik dan Teknologi Informasi
3. Pendidikan minimal D3; Diutamakan jurusan yang sesuai dengan persyaratan dan memiliki pengalaman kerja yang relevan dengan jabatan yang dilamar
4. IPK minimal: 2.5 (skala 4) dan perpadanannya bagi perguruan tinggi yang menerapkan pola penilaian yang berbeda
5. Memiliki Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
6. Tidak mempunyai saudara kandung/ suami/ isteri yang bekerja sebagai pegawai atau calon pegawai Bank Indonesia
7. Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas dan atau bersedia melepaskan ikatan dinas dari institusi lain
8. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan administratif dan pengalaman terbaik (shortlisted candidate) yang akan diikutkan dalam setiap tahapan seleksi
9. Penetapan shortlisted candidate dilakukan berdasarkan peringkat peserta per jabatan dan per Kantor Pusat/ wilayah Kantor Koordinator Bank Indonesia (KKBI)
Tata Cara Pengajuan Lamaran:
1. Penyampaian lamaran hanya dapat dilakukan melalui aplikasi on-line mulai 3 s/d 12 Agustus 2008. Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan dalam proses pengiriman lamaran
2. Seleksi akan diselenggarakan di Jakarta, Kantor Koordinator Bank Indonesia (KKBI) Medan, KKBI Padang, KKBI Bandung, KKBI Semarang, KKBI Surabaya, KKBI Denpasar, KKBI Makassar, KKBI Banjarmasin, dan 16 Kantor Bank Indonesia
3. Pelamar diperkenankan memilih satu kota sebagai tempat untuk mengikuti seleksi
4. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta
5. Dalam proses seleksi ini pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun
6. Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
Posisi & Kode Syarat Pendidikan Kebutuhan
PENGAWAS BANK PERTAMA (PBP) Min D3, diutamakan jurusan: Ekonomi Akuntansi, Ekonomi Manajemen, Manajemen Keuangan dan Perbankan 100 orang
ASISTEN ANALIS (AA) Min D3, diutamakan jurusan: Sistem Informasi/ Teknik Informatika 2 orang
Min D3, diutamakan: Politeknik Jurusan Teknik Mesin (Refrigrasi dan Tata Udara), Jurusan Teknik Elektro 1 orang
Min D3, diutamakan: Politeknik Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur 1 orang
Min D3, diutamakan jurusan: Teknik ELektro 1 orang
Min D3, diutamakan jurusan: Teknik Sipil, Teknik Arsitektur 1 orang
Min D3, diutamakan jurusan: Teknik Elektro 1 orang
Min D3, diutamakan jurusan: Teknik Sipil, Teknik Arsitektur 1 orang
Min D3, diutamakan jurusan:Teknik Mesin 1 orang
TEKNISI MESIN (TM) Min D3, diutamakan jurusan: Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin 2 orang
Registrasi on-line dan informasi lengkap:
www.ppm-rekrutmen.com/bi/ atau www.bi.go.id
Lowongan Kerja di Bank Indonesia :Pengawas Bank Pertama dan beberapa posisi di bidang Logistik dan Teknologi Informasi.
Kategori Lowongan Kerja BI
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs Engineering di Ericsson Indonesia Terakhir 14 Agustus 2008
Product Management, Sales & Marketing and Communications: Relationship Sales
Description of company
Ericsson Indonesia has been in Indonesia for a century, involved in the Indonesia Telecommunications development and is committed to support and ready to take the next step with our customers to be prepared for the next generation leading-edge services. The operational plan of the Multimedia & SI division is to further establish Ericsson Multimedia solutions business in Indonesia by actively demonstrating Ericsson#s capabilities in the multimedia services area and continue to build our local delivery organization. Ericsson should be perceived as a leader in the multimedia solutions market by using a consultative approach, always starting from the consumer experience in the same time as managing the complexity for the service provider related to revenue management, provisioning, scalability and managing new business models.
Job description
Pro-actively identify and pursue new business opportunities together with the KAM team in all Multimedia and SI domains; Drive customer offerings to ensure competitive solutions meeting customer expectation and Ericsson business requirements; Enagage with the customers’ different stakeholders for Multimedia solutions to develop the relationship and raise their awareness and perception of Ericsson as the leading supplier and integrator in this area; Enage, evaluate and build local contact network and partnership with relevant partners in the domains to ensure business growth; Capture business intelligence and make market analysis on market trends and competitors; Lead advisory studies and pre studies together with the Solution Architect team, such as how the proposed solutions are integrated into the customer network and business support system environment; Ensure the knowledge sharing and competence build up in EID for the Multimedia domains; Support the execution of Business Opportunity Workshops with Key Accounts; Support the development of internal and external marketing events.
Education / Certification: University Degree in Electrical Engineering/ Telecommunication Engineering/Computer Science/Computer Engineering or equivalent. Experience: Background in the telecommunications industry with minimum 3 to 5 years in the Technical Sales & Consultancy capacity, with a focus in Multimedia solutions, Value Added Services, Revenue Management, Messaging. Past experience as Product Manager, System Manager, Solution Architect, Product Sales Support or equivalent. Professional/Technical Competence: Developed telecom knowledge (Network elements, Fixed/Mobile architectures, Charging concepts, etc); Developed knowledge in Value Added Services, Multimedia solutions, Revenue Management, Messaging, Telecom Management; Developed knowledge in areas such as Provisioning, Billing, Revenue Assurance. Business Competence Highly developed Customer Orientation and Consultative Skills; Developed network within Ericsson and with Partners; Highly developed knowledge of sales and marketing process, product management, business planning, CRM and profitability; Highly developed English language, both written and spoken. Human Competence Developed Leadership knowledge and skills, specifically to be Business Manager, Innovator, Competence Developer and Relationship builder,,; Developed Communication knowledge and skills, including presentation, interpersonal and influencing skills.
Last day to apply: 2008-08-14
Form of employment: Regular employment
Contact person/s
Rizkie Arthasari
Head of Resource Planning & Comp Develop
+62 21 769 2222
Amr Alsaid
Head of Mkt & Business Dev MMSI
+62 21 769 2222
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs Engineering di Ericsson Indonesia Terakhir 14 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowon, Lowongan Kerja 2008
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs di Tempo
Tempo English edition need a sales staff/cord.
With qualification as follows:
. S1 with various educations back ground . Sales experience is a must or at least have a confidence on a strong sales(wo)manship . English active (write and speak) is a must at least have a courage to speak . Preferable attractive female with high mobility . Curious, innovative and aggressive is a preferably characters . Has a passion in expatriate communities (just an additional for totalities)
For further information please contact: Amien at 536 0904 ext 300 or Email your application letter and CV to amin_nurdin@tempo.co.id
Tempo corporate sales (magazine and newspaper) need a sales staff With qualification as follows: . S1 with various educations back ground . Sales experience or at least have a confidence on a strong sales(wo)manship . Preferable attractive female with high mobility . Curious, innovative and aggressive is a preferable characters
For further information please contact:
Shalfi at 536 0904 ext 227 or Haderis ext 600
Email your application letter and CV to shalfi@mail.tempo.co.id or haderis@mail.tempo.co.id
This could be recommending to your friends or relatives who need a new challenge in media industry.
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs di Tempo
Kategori Lowongan Kerja 2008
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Kalimantan Selatan Perusahaan Tambang
FA Manager at Kalimantan (Mining company group)
A leading Mining Company Group needs:
Finance and Accounting Assistant Manager (code: FAM)
- Male/ Female
- Willing to be located at South Kalimantan
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance/Accountancy
- Min 5 years experiences
- Good command in English
- Advanced computer skills (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc)
- Hard worker, good interpersonal skill
Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV and recent photograph, not later than 2 (two) weeks to: hrd@ptadaro-com- Please put the position code as your email subject- Only sort listed candidates will be process-
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Kalimantan Selatan Perusahaan Tambang
Kategori Lowongan Kalimantan Selatan
Lowongan Kerja di Garuda Food Jakarta
Consumer Insight Supervisor
- S1/S2 Statistic, Mathematic, Psychology from reputable university
- Min 2 yrs experience in Marketing Research field
- Good analytical thinking & detailed oriented
- Qualitative & Quantitative research methods
Interested candidates are invited to apply with detail resume, to:
Recruitment Department
Wisma 2 GarudaFood
Jl. Bintaro Raya 10A Tanah Kusir
Jakarta Selatan
Lowongan Kerja di Garuda Food Jakarta
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja Hotel SHERATON di Jakarta
Sheraton Bandara is a resort style Airport Hotel with warm hospitality to welcome Airlines, Frequent Travelers and Leisure Business as well as Corporate Meetings, who are seeking convenience and comfort.
Conveniently located just 3 km from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport and a short drive from the Jakarta business district.
Offers friendly and attentive service in relaxing surroundings, with a variety of activities for body and soul, which features fitness centre, sauna and spa, 3 floodlit tennis courts, outdoor swimming pool as well as an 18-hole golf course with driving range within walking distance, and personalized shuttle service from and to the airport.
Min. 2 yrs working experience in a 4/5 star hotel at the same position
Min. 160 cm (female) or 170 cm (male)
Max. 28 yrs (female or male)
Min. graduated from Hotel & Tourism Academy or other Academy non hotel
Good appearance and personality
Be able to operate galaxy system is a plus
Be able to operate MS word, MS Excel program
Can speak English fluently
Friendly, patient and customer focus oriented
Be able to work under pressure
Willing to learn
Please send complete application and CV with recent photograph to Ms Linda Setyadarma, Director of Human Resources Sheraton Bandara Hotel, Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Jakarta 19110 or e-mail to :
Lowongan Kerja Hotel SHERATON di Jakarta
Kategori Lowongan Hotel
Lowongan Pekerjaan di Bank Danamon Terbaru sebelum 5 Agustus 2008
PT . Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk currently in seeking for people to be
stationed in :
1. Business Strategic & Analytics
2. Business Performance & Monitoring Analytics
He/ she should have our requirement eg :
* S1 (University Graduate) in Accounting or Mechanical Engineering
* Computer literacy in MS Office - Word, Excel, and Power Point
* Minimum 1 Year experience in Banking , Public Accountant or IT
Consulting (Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply)
* Love to play with numbers
* Having logic & analytical skill
* Expertise in Statistic
* Able to work under pressure, discipline and result oriented
Send your CV with latest photograph to (Position Code on the e mail
subject): christine.sudono@danamon.co.id /
For further information call Christanto on: 081362216519
Applications should be submitted before August 5 , 200
Lowongan Pekerjaan di Bank Danamon Terbaru sebelum 5 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Bank
Lowongan Kerja di PT Kalbe Farma Jakarta
PT. Kalbe Farma Tbk is the leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, URGENTLY in need of a dynamic and self-driven professional to fulfill the position as a:
The incumbent will be responsible for assisting in managing projects, which include:
* Make a product strategy (segmentation, targeting, positioning, market research, etc)
* Make a media of promotion
* Make a marketing program
* Analyze profit and loss each product
* Good active verbal & written communication skills in English
* Demonstrated ability to work effectively both independently and within a team structure
* Have a good leadership and initiative action
* Min 1 years working experiences in Product Executive Ethical
* Good interpersonal and communication skills
Should you meet all the above qualifications, please send your application give us detailed CV with a recent photograph and other relevant information to:
HR Corporate
PT. Kalbe Farma, Tbk
Jl. Letjen. Suprapto kav. IV
Jakarta Pusat 10510
Email: Recruitment.corp@kalbe.co.id
Lowongan Kerja di PT Kalbe Farma Jakarta
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
DJARUM INDONESIA, has come a long way over the last half a century. Today, we employ 75.000 people and our high*tech mass production lines produce cigarettes for domestic and international markets. As one of the top revenue*generating companies in Indonesia, Djarum’s development is nothing less than a rags*to*riches success story. We invite you to join our company as:
Marketing Support
*Preferably Male.
*Familiar with Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc).
*Familiar with Photoshop and Corel Draw and IT Background.
*Able to work in a team, hard worker and fluent in English.
Customer Relation Service Officer
*Diploma degree from any major
*Excellent communication skills * fluency in English is a must
*Able to work under pressure
*Extrovert and has good communication skills
*Responsible person, friendly, customer oriented, & patient
General Administration
*Male / Female
*Min. Diploma degree
*Excellence in English is a must
*Computer literate
*Fresh graduate are welcome
Safety Supervisor
*Bachelor Degree or equivalent
*Must have a Hands on Attitude to the work environment
*Proficiency in Microsoft Office and Data Reporting
*Excellent communication skill in English both verbal and Written.
*Diligent and able to work under pressure, self motivated with a positive
Please send your Application Letter, curriculum vitae, and one recent photograph to:
e*mail: djarum_depthr@yahoo.com
Kategori Low, Lowongan Kerja 2008, Swasta
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di PT. MABUA HARLEY-DAVIDSON Jakarta
* Female, age max. 28 years old
* Min. D3.
* Nice looking and outgoing person
* Computer and English literate is a must.
* Experience as Receptionist min. 2 years.
For those who are interested in these position are welcome to submit
your CV and be addressed to :
email : adri@mhd.co.id
Jl. Iskandarsyah No.1
Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta Selatan 12160
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di PT. MABUA HARLEY-DAVIDSON Jakarta
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja Graphic Design di Majalah Investor Jakarta
One of the fastest growing media company seeking for young
and talented professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
Bachelor degree,
preferably from graphic design & Visual communicationThinking creatively to
produce new ideas and conceptsHighly creative and
possess design intuition from conceptualising to executionAble to create and
develop new ideas, good personality, detailed orientedAble to transform idea
into visual, graphic, & digitalExcellent in use
Freehand, Corel, Illustrator, Photoshop, 3D and Flash design programA fast learner and
committed to self-improvementWilling to work under pressure and a very tight deadline
Send your complete resume with photograph
no later than 2 (two) weeks
after this advertisement. Please quote the position
in e-mail subject to:
Lowongan Kerja Graphic Design di Majalah Investor
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja Sales di Medan Sampai 19 Agustus 2008
* Male and single
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants who has high motivation are encouraged to apply.
* Strong driving personality
* Sales person with good interpersonal skill
* Result oriented with tense work pressure
* Willing to be placed outside Jakarta specially in Padang, Tarakan, Ujung Pandang, Manado, Sorong, Jayapura and Lampung.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
An attractive compensation package, incentives scheme and Company's Car will be offered, commensurate with the qualifications and performance of the succesfull candidates
Please send your complete application along with CV, recent photograph not later than 20 days after this advertisement to:
Lowongan Kerja Sales di Medan Sampai 19 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Lampung
Lowongan Kerja Construction Manager di Kalimantan Timur Sampai 23 Agustus 2008
Construction Manager - Application deadline on 23-8-08
- Male
- Min. S1 of Civil Engineering.
- Min. 5 years of working experiences in the similiar position.
- Have the background of offshore marine construction industry is good advantage.
- Good communication in English.
- Familiar with computer literate.
- Willing to work at Project Site.
If you meet our requirement, please send your updated CV, recent photograph, and certificates to below address.
Please put the position as subject of your e-mail
PT. Indo Straits
Graha Kirana, 15th Floor
Jl. Yos Sudarso Kav. 88 Jakarta Utara 14350
Attn. Human Resources Department or
E-mail to: hrd@ptscs.com
Lowongan Kerja Construction Manager di Kalimantan Timur Sampai 23 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Kalimantan Timur
Lowongan Kerja di PT Schlumberger Geophysics Nusantara sampai 26 Agustus 2008
IT Service Desk Analyst - Closing Date: 26-8-08
- A Diploma-3 degree graduate in IT, Computer Science or Electronic from respected university / polytechnic with high GPA
- Have technical competence in Operating System, Application and Networking technologies
- Excellent command of English (fluent in Mandarin, French or Japanese would be an advantage)
- Have good interpersonal skill and able to work within a team oriented environment
- Able to work under pressure and hava analytical and problem-solving skills
- Excellent customer service and communication skills - both written and verbal
If you are qualified, we invite you to send your resume, giving detailed qualifications, experience and referances, and other relevant documents via e-mail to:
E-mail subject: SD Analyst
Lowongan Kerja di PT Schlumberger Geophysics Nusantara sampai 26 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja IT di Otorita Batam sampai 13 Agustus 2008
O torita Pengembangan Daerah Industri Pulau Batam yang disingkat Otorita Batam adalah Instansi Pemerintah yang berdasarkan Keppres Nomor 41 Tahun 1973 tentang Daerah Industri Pulau Batam, yang telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan Keppres Nomor 25 Tahun 2005, bertugas mengelola Pulau Batam sebuah pulau yang berada di Propinsi Kepulauan Riau untuk menjadi suatu Kawasan Industri, kegiatan alih kapal, perdagangan dan kawasan pariwisata.
Saat ini Otorita Batam sedang membangun IT Centre/ Data Centre sebagai bagian dari Program Batam e-Government, yang di tetapkan oleh pemerintah melalui Departemen Komifo sebagai Pilot Project e Government di Indonesia.
Terkait dengan hal tersebut Otorita Batam akan merekrut sekitar 24 orang tenaga IT, sarjana lulusan teknik informatika, untuk mengoperasikan IT Centre/ Data Centre tersebut dengan kualifikasi/ persyaratan sebagai berikut :
* Min. Pendidikan S1 Jurusan/ Fakultas : Manajemen Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Komputer (khusus untuk Kode : APL, DBA, ANLS & PRG).
* Min. Pendidikan S1 Jurusan/ Fakultas : Manajemen Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Komputer, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Telekomunikasi (khusus untuk Kode : NET).
* Khusus untuk bidang System Analis, System Database & Programmer lebih diutamakan yang memiliki mengalaman Min 1-2 tahun di bidangnya.
Adapun Bidang yang dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut :
Bidang Aplikasi (Kode : APL) :
* Memahami konsep pembuatan & pengoperasian aplikasi
* Menguasai bahasa pemograman sebagai dasar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis windows (Access, Visual Basic, Foxpro, dll)
* Menguasai bahasa pemograman sebagai dasar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis web (Frontpage, Dreamwaver, HTML, XML dll).
* Pengalaman : ikut terlibat dlm pengembangan Aplikasi
Bidang Sysytem Database (Kode : DBA) :
* Memahami konsep pembuatan & manajemen database (DBMS).
* Menguasai pembuatan Database sebagai dasar pengaturan pemakaian database & integrasi Database.
* Menguasai software DBMS sebagai dasar pembangunan & pengelolaan Database (SQL, MS-SQL, DB2, dll)
* Pengalaman : ikut terlibat dlm pengembangan Database (RDBMS)
Bidang Programmer (Kode : PRG):
* Memahami konsep pembuatan & manajemen database (DBMS).
* Menguasai bahasa pemograman sebagai dasar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis windows (Access, Visual Basic, Foxpro, dll)
* Menguasai bahasa pemograman sebagai dasar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis web (Frontpage, Dreamwaver, HTML, dll )
* Menguasai bahasa pemograman sebagai dasar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis GIS (Autocad, Mapinfo, Arcinfo, Arcview, dll )
* Pengalaman : ikut terlibat dlm pengembangan Aplikasi
Bidang System Analis (Kode : ANLS) :
* Memahami konsep pembuatan & pengoperasian aplikasi.
* Menguasai bahasa pemograman sebagai dasar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis windows (Access, Visual Basic, Foxpro, dll)
* Menguasai bahasa pemograman sebagai dasar pembuatan aplikasi berbasis web (Frontpage, Dreamwaver, HTML, XML dll)
* Memahami konsep pembuatan & manajemen database (DBMS).
* Menguasai pembuatan Database sebagai dasar pengaturan pemakaian database & integrasi Database.
* Menguasai software DBMS sebagai dasar pembangunan & pengelolaan Database (SQL, MS-SQL, DB2, dll)
* Pengalaman : ikut terlibat dlm pengembangan Aplikasi & Database (RDBMS)
Bidang Network (Kode : NET) :
* Memahami konsep pembuatan & manajemen database (DBMS).
* Menguasai pembuatan Database sebagai dasar pengaturan pemakaian database & integrasi Database.
* Menguasai software DBMS sebagai dasar pembangunan & pengelolaan Database (SQL, MS-SQL, DB2, dll)
* Pengalaman : ikut terlibat dlm pengembangan Jaringan & Komunikasi Data
Berkas lamaran ditujukan ke OTORITA BATAM diserahkan langsung melalui :
Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya
Paling lambat : 13 Agustus 2008
Lowongan Kerja IT di Otorita Batam sampai 13 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Kerja 2008
Lowongan Kerja di ASTRA Internasional sampai 8 Agustus 2008
The Available positions are as follows :
Realizing the importance of after sales services, we need enthusiastic engineers with high marketing sense to improve and develop our workshop performance. You will be responsible for supporting and developing our workshop business system
Requirement :
o S1 degree from Mechanical or Electrical Engineering major
o Min GPA 3.00
o Ready for a placement throughout Indonesia
As a key player in automotive industry, we need dynamic and outstanding individuals to lead the team achieving optimum performance in marketing field. You will be prepared and trained to be our Slaes Supervisor, Parts Sales Supervisor, Marketing Development, Customer Sevice Supervisor or Alliance Relation Manager. Your career to be future Branch Manager.
Requirement :
o S1 degree from Any major
o Min GPA 3.00
o High interest in Marketing
o Ready for a placement throughout Indonesia
Realizing the importance to survive in the business competition and to meet the worlwide demands, we need enthusiastic engineers to monitor and develop ASTRA Group’s performance in the field of Environment, Health, Safety and Corporate Social Responsibility
Requirement :
o S1 degree from Environmental or Electrical Engineering major
o Min GPA 3.00
o High interest working in Environment, Healt, Safety & Social Resposibility (EHS & SR) field
o Ready for a placement throughout Indonesia
Realizing the importance of our customer, we need enthusiastic person to maintain our Portal & SMS System to serve or communicate with our customer. Your another task are to develop creative concept for Portal, SMS & Web System.
Requirement :
o S1 degree from Information Technology or Electrical Engineering major
o Min GPA 3.00
o Having min 1 year experience in Web relatd activities
o Having Programming skill (asp, asp.net, php) and multimedia software knowledge (photoshop, corel, MS SQL server)
Realizing the importance to survive in the business competition, we need creative, dynamic & enthusiastic enthusiastic candidate who will be responsible in doing depth & comprehensive business development analysis. The challenge is to assist management in finding new business opportunity and involved in project implementation.
Requirement :
o S1 degree from Industrial Engineering major
o Min GPA 3.00
o Having good understanding of strategy management and experience in Business Development area will be an advantage
Realizing the importance to survive in the business competition and to meet the worlwide demands in construction, we need dynamic and outstanding individuals to lead the team in achieving optimum performance in construction field. The challenge are to control & maintain all branches, renovation project, new outlet project and fascia project.
Requirement :
o S1 degree from Civil Engineering or Architecture major
o Min GPA 3.00
o Having at least 3 years of working experience in building construction and maintenance
As a key player in automotive industry, we need dynamic and highly motivated individuals with excellent leadership and interpersonal skills as our future leaders. You will be trained and prepare as a sales supervisor to lead our sales team maintain and widen our market share
Requirement :
o S1 degree from Any major
o Min GPA 2.75
o High interest in Marketing & Sales
o Ready for a placement throughout Indonesia
* Submit your complete the Registration Form in Student Advisory Center ITS
* Registration Form should be submitted attached with your application letter, 2 recent photograph (3X4), CV, copy of educational certificate & transcript
* Write down the application code on the upper left of the Application Form
* Closing date : Friday, August 08, 2008
* Selected candidates will be announced on Wednesday, August 20, 2008 via SMS
see more information at http://sac.its.ac.id/lowongan/index.php?id_detil=563
Lowongan Kerja di ASTRA Internasional sampai 8 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Kerja 2008
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs Treasury Staff di Bali/Lombok
We are a progressive and dynamic mobile services operator seeking to expand aggressively in Indonesia. We invite highly talented, dedicated and passionate profesionals to be part of a very dynamic and challenging environment
Treasury Staff - Bali/Lombok
Summary of Job Description:
To handle for all Treasury Activities in Branches (Bali/Lombok)
Details of Job Responsibilities:
1. Checking incoming and release PO for local distributor
2. Daily checking bank balance
3. Responsible for Petty cash reimbursement (driver, employee)
4. Prepare Petty cash summary
5. Compile data revenue from Sales, CIC, and Distributor
6. Bank reconciliation
7. Cashier
Job Qualification:
* A Bachelor (S1) degree in Economic/Finance/Accounting
* A minimum 2 years working experience in Finance/Accounting
* Preferably have working experience with SAP system & Microsoft office knowledge
* English Language
* Good interpersonal skill
* Initiative
* Preferably be domiciled in Bali
Simply quick apply or send application and CV (max.200 KB) to:
Email : join@axisworld.co.id
Please ensure to put your job title and preference location (city)
in the subject of the email
(example: Treasury Staff – Bali/Lombok)
Lowongan Kerja/Jobs Treasury Staff di Bali/Lombok
Kategori Lowongan Balikpapan, Lowongan Lombok
Lowongan Kerja di PT Semen Andalas Indonesia yang beroperasi di Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Riau Dan Batam
Lowongan Kerja di PT Semen Andalas Indonesia yang beroperasi di Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Riau Dan Batam
Jobs/Vacancy at PT Semen Andalas Indonesia
PT Semen Andalas Indonesia a subsidiary of world leader in cement manufacturing and building material having its operation in Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau and Batam invites you to join our team to be based in Medan as:
Accounting - Assistant Manager (Code: AAM)
Reports to Accounting Manager, the candidate is responsible for:
Assist in ensuring all accounting operations are complied with the Company and Group policy.
Assist in managing the accounting staffs.
Ensure all manual journals are reviewed prior to enter to the GL.
Ensure all accounts are properly reviewed and monitored.
Ensure all invoices are correctly and timely issued to business partners.
Assist in preparation of the Financial Statements (accurate and timely).
Assist in liaising with the auditor in order to ensure that the audited account is accurately and timely issued.
Assist in preparing and ensuring that reports to the Management and the Group are accurately and timely submitted.
Assist in budget and forecast preparation.
General Requirements:
Must possess at least Bachelor degree in Finance or Economic with deep understanding in Accounting/ Finance.
Having 4-6 years working experience in Accounting, with minimum 2 years in Supervisory Level.
Actively speaking and writing in English & Bahasa Indonesia.
Computer literacy is a must and can use Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Power Point) and understanding ERP system (JDE) is an advantage.
Integrity and Values, Driving for results, Organizational awareness
Analytical thinking, Impact and Influence, Information seeking
Qualified candidates are invited to forward your application with full resume, recent photograph, not later than 31st July 2008 to:
Email: semen.andalas@id.lafarge.com
Note: Please put the job code in the subject of your application
Lowongan Kerja di PT Semen Andalas Indonesia yang beroperasi di Aceh, Sumatera Utara, Riau Dan Batam
Lowongan Kerja Perpajakan/Taxation Jobs di Boleh.net
1 Position available, Staff level
Requirement :
* Male, Single
* Age : 20 – 25 years old
* Graduated with a minimum Diploma Degree majoring in Tax
* Fluent in English (both written & spoken)
* Excellent knowledge / experience in Monthly & Yearly Tax Reporting
* Minimum of 1 year working experience within Tax area
* Hard worker, Good personality, proper communication skills, also able to work in teams
* Immediate Availability
Please send your complete resume with recent photograph to:
Lowongan Kerja Perpajakan/Taxation Jobs di Boleh.net
Kategori Lowongan Perpajakan
Lowongan .Net Application Developer di Total Bangun Persada Jakarta
.Net Application Developer
The developer will work under the supervision of the IT analyst to develop Microsoft .Net based application, in response to the technical specifications. He/She will be in charge of the test systems, diagnose and fix faults, to write code for the web-based or desktop-based software, and to ensure that they function efficiently
- Male/Female, Age Max. 27 year old
- Hold Bachelor Degree in Computer Science/Information System, with min GPA 3.00
- At least 1 year of application development experience in Microsoft Visual Studio.Net
- Required skills: ASP.NET 2.0, VB.NET, SQL Server 2005, Crystal Report (Business Object)
- Proficiency with SOA/WebServices, AJAX, UML is an advantage
- Good knowledge in writing and coding SQL statements (Store Procedure is a must)
- Good knowledge in Object Oriented Programming and Microsoft System Development Architecture
- Good command of English
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Personal Skills:
- Excellent analytical and problem solving skills, and able to manage multiple tasks
- Possess good interpersonal, self motivated and positive working attitude
- Able to communicate and work in teams to deliver high quality results
- Fast learner, good logic and willing to work hard
Please send your application letter and CV by email to:
Lowongan .Net Application Developer di Total Bangun Persada Jakarta
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika di Surabaya sebelum 31 Agustus 2008
KUMON Manyar Jaya is looking for talented and commited people to be an English and Mathematics instructor.
Qualifications :
- Female
- Graduates of English Department or FMIPA (majoring in Mathematics) with a GPA >3.0
- Passionate in teaching
- Independent and easy going
- Have positive attitudes and want to learn
- Interested in child education
Please send your CV and photo as soon as possible to
KUMON Manyar Jaya
Jl. Manyar Jaya X/B-239
Surabaya 60118
or mail to :
before 31 August 2008.
Lowongan Kerja Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika di Surabaya sebelum 31 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Surabaya
Lowongan Kerja/Vacancy di Kedutaan Besar Singapura Di Jakarta Sampai 31 Juli 2008
Receptionist cum Secretary
(Monthly salary range : 2,419,000 Rp. to 3,474,000 Rp)
- Receive and transfer incoming telephone calls to relevant departments
- Handle general enquires from public and attend to visitors at the Singapore Embassy
- Oral and written translation between English and Bahasa Indonesia
- Perform general administrative, clerical, secretarial and other tasks as assigned.
- The Embassy is looking for a candidate with tertiary education, pleasant personality and positive customer service attitude.
- The candidate should have a good command of the English language, be able to work under stress and handle difficult customers.
- Good organizational and communication skills are essential.
- Competency in basic computer programmes like Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Access, Excel and Internet Explorer is necessary.
- Relevant working experience would be an advantage.
Application should reach the Embassy before 31 July 2008.
Please send your CV to:
The Singapore Embassy in Jakarta
Gedung Graha Surya Internusa, 19th floor
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. X-O
Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Lowongan Kerja/Vacancy di Kedutaan Besar Singapura Di Jakarta Sampai 31 Juli 2008
Kategori Lowongan Jakarta
Lowongan Kerja/Vacancy Di Batam
We are shipyard company in Batam are looking candidate who are willing to work hard and independently
to fill the following position :
Min. Diploma, Male & min. 25 years old ( A, B, C, D )
Experience min. 2 years at shipyard safety supervisor ( A ) and knowledge Safety regulation ( A, D )
Experience in heavy equipment mechanic, knowledgeable in analysis of heavy equipment damage ( B ).
Certify from Government Occupational Health and Safety Expert ( Basic firefighting & first AID / K3 ) ( A, D )
Having knowledge to operate the electric equipment and Autocad ( fresh graduated are welcome ) ( C ).
Having knowledge the PCB ( C ).
Must good command of English, both oral and written and good Computer skills( A , B, C, D )
Good in Leadership, analytical & problem solving skills ( A, B, C, D ).
Good interpersonal and communication skill ( A, B, C, D )
Batam base only and having min. 2 years experiences in the same field ( A, B, C, D )
Please Send your complete application, CV and expected salary to :
Lowongan Kerja/Vacancy Di Batam
Kategori Lowongan Batam
Lowongan Kerja/Vacancy Staff Logistik PT. Nissan Motor di Cikampek Purwakarta Sampai 2 Agustus 2008
Logistic Local Parts Staff (Outsourcing)
Job Specification
Position : Logistic Local Parts Staff (Outsourcing)
Department : LLP/Production Control Division
Working Location : Cikampek (Purwakarta)
Duration of working : until end of March 2009
Job Description :
· Control local parts avaibility
· Release PO to supplier
· Control delivery
· Follow up to supplier
· Diploma degree major in Industrial Engineering or Informatics Management with GPA min 3.00 out of 4.00
· Preferably fresh graduate
· Male, single, max 24 years old
· Able to operate Microsoft Office (especially Ms. Word and Ms. Excel)
· Can work accurately
Please submit your complete application letter
Before August 19th, 2008 to:
HRD-GA Division
Gd. Nissan MT.Haryono 3rd floor
Jl. MT.Haryono Kav.10 Jakarta Timur 13330
Or via email:
Only short listed candidates who meet requirement will be notified.
Lowongan Kerja/Vacancy Staff Logistik PT. Nissan Motor di Cikampek Purwakarta Sampai 2 Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Cikampek, Lowongan Purwakarta
Lowongan Terbaru/Vacancy IT Engineer & Network Coordinator July-August 2008
PT Agincourt Resources; 2 positions
Posting date : Saturday, July 19, 2008 Expiry date : Saturday, August 02, 2008
PT. Agincourt Resources (PTAR) is part of Oxiana Limited an International Mining Company, with exciting career prospects and is an equal opportunity employer. PTAR & Oxiana Limited are striving to become employers of choice in the mining industry through being a Core Values (Respect, Action, Performance and Openness) based company. Please visit our website at www.oxiana.com.au
PTAR is recruiting for the following site based position, in Tapanuli Selatan - North Sumatera:
1. IT & Communication Engineer
2. Network Infrastructure Coordinator
Major Range Of Works:
Manage the Communication System Facilities and Infrastructures in Martabe site project area and Jakarta office to provide :
• Data Application (Network Operating System, Email System and Commercial Application)
• Voice Application (Radio Communication System and VoIP System)
• Video Application (SMATV and Video Conference)
• Security Application (Cardax and CCTV)
• Industrial Application (Citec and GPS Tracking System)
• University degree from IT / Electro / IE
• For the position of IT & Communication Engineer, minimum 2 years of working experience and a proven track record in Engineer
• For the position of Network Infrastructure Coordinator, minimum 6 years working experience and a proven track record in Senior Engineer
The successful candidate can expect to be well compensated with competitive salaries and conditions commensurate with experience and qualifications.
Please send your application with comprehensive resume and recent photograph before 02 August 2008 to:
Lowongan Terbaru/Vacancy IT Engineer & Network Coordinator July-August 2008
Kategori Swasta
Lowongan Teknisi SMK/SMA/SMU/Diploma di Cikarang Bekasi Juli-Agustus 2008
We are a manufacturing company located in Cikarang barat-Bekasi,
West Java, that specializes in precision plastic injection molding,
plastic components assembly, precision coil winding and printed
circuit board assembly. Our growth strategy is to promote our
capabilities as a leading electronic manufacturing service provider
offering a ONE-STOP Manufacturing Solution. Currently looking for:
Mold Repair Technician
* Male, age max 30 years old
* Technical High School or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (ATMI an advantaged)
* Have minimum 3 years working experience in Injection Molding
* Familiar to operate CNC machine tools
* Able to create short program to CNC machine tools
* Able to analysis data, counter measure, understand ISO.
* Have good communication skill and able to work individual and team
* Highly motivated, energetic, have good and pleasant personality
Please send your resume to
Lowongan Teknisi SMK/SMA/SMU/Diploma di Cikarang Bekasi Juli-Agustus 2008
Kategori Lowongan Bekasi, Lowongan Cikarang
Lowongan di Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur, PT Kaltim Prima Coal s/d 26 Juli 2008
Positions Available
1. Specialist Computer Operation – Data Com Network (Code: SCO-DCN)
Key elements of the position include:
- Design cabling and network configuration specific to the requirements to maximise the performance of the data communication systems.
- Set-up and test network devices based on the approved design to ensure the required objectives are achieved.
- Monitor and maintain the daily network performance to ensure the systems operate at acceptable service level to meet the operational needs of Bumi Resources and its business units.
- Perform remedial and diagnostic maintenance by investigating operational problems to identify possible errors and failures in the systems and to apply appropriate troubleshooting methodology to fix the problems.
- Analyse the current systems to identify any areas of improvement to ensure the systems are in line with the operational requirements and technology advancement.
- Initiate actions to upgrade the current systems based on the detailed analysis for improving the performance of the systems.
- Manage the operations of Local Area Network (switches, bridges), and Wide Area Network (Remote Access Service, internet link, routers, ISA Server, firewall, security and Demarcation Zone).
- Operates network monitoring, filtering, and reporting tools (HP Oven View, Network Node Manager, Sniffer investigator, Websense enterprise, and Telemate Netspective).
- Liaise with relevant consultants, contractors, and vendors to keep update with the current technology and to outsource improvement and upgrading projects.
- Maintain technical documentation of system design configurations and change log-book.
Qualifications & Experience :
- Tertiary qualification (S1 degree) in Information Technology based business discipline (Computer or Informatics) from a reputable Indonesian or International University, with 3 years experience at Specialist or Supervisory level in mining or oil and gas industry.
- Good planning and technically skills.
- Strong Analytical and problem solving.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skill (written & oral) in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
2. Specialist Computer Operation – Data Center(Code: SCO-DC)
Main elements of the position description include:
- Administer the central computer systems to support user requirement and provide maximum services from the network systems.
- Install and upgrade operating systems on central computer system to provide efficient operating of the computer systems.
- Provide full technical support in Windows and UNIX system management to gain maximum benefit from both servers.
- Ensure, maintain, and control UNIX and Windows for BR’s standard applications (ERP, HRMS, Safety Systems, Budget & Forecast systems, etc) that comply with BR’s policies and procedures.
- Administer the email messaging system to ensure the system is reliable for business communication and data transfer within internal BR and with external parties.
- Maintain system and network tools, including but not limited to Omniback, Glance, Melia, and Proxy, to ensure they work properly to support the needs of IT Division’s services.
- Support printer network (UNIX and Windows) to provide maximum performance of the system.
- Support Dump Terminal network to provide reliable services of relevant users.
- Administer anti-virus system to ensure that the current system is working properly and reliably to protect BR’s systems from virus threats.
- Organize and ensure data back-up is done on regular basis to prevent loss of BR’s business data in case an unexpected incident happens to the systems.
- Administer the accounts of all users to ensure that each of them has specific and appropriate access for their daily business activities and the data confidentiality is maintained.
Qualifications & Experience :
- Tertiary qualification (S1 degree) in Commerce or Information Technology from a reputable Indonesian or International University, with 3 years experience in IT Management, preferably in the mining or oil and gas industry.
- Good planning and technically skills.
- Strong Analytical and problem solving.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skill (written & oral) in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
3. Manager – IT Infrastructure Support(Code: --)
Main elements of the position description include:
- Plan, develop and implement the Department budget and workload to determine priorities, provide direction to employees and meet goals within professional, time, safety and cost guidelines.
- Manage the following services, advise and guide management and staff on the following services to resolve technical matters.
- - data centre operations, including Windows and Unix servers, to maintain the availability, reliability, and integrity of business data.
- - personal computers (both workstation, desktop, and notebooks), printers, and peripherals, to ensure their availability and reliability to support company operations.
- - data telecommunication network and operation, including data telecommunication links between Jakarta office and site operation offices and inter-building data communication links in the site operations.
- - voice telecommunication network and operation, including two-way radio communication and telephone communication.
- - cable Television network and operation in the employee housing areas.
- Oversee the section's activities to keep up-to-date with work issues, monitor the effectiveness of tools and techniques employed and maximize efficiencies.
- Participate and contribute to Information Technology meetings to highlight infrastructure support and operations activities, gather information and ideas for utilization within the operation and understand the key issues impacting the Division.
- Direct and manage the Department to meet business targets, adhere to Company and Government standards, and co-ordinate activities.
- Develop and implement strategies to enhance the performance of Bumi Resources’ IT infrastructure facilities, within cost, quality and organization standards as well as meet the needs of internal customers.
- Implement IT Disaster Recovery Plan and IT Business Continuity Plan to ensure the integrity of business information.
Qualifications & Experience :
- Tertiary qualification S1 or Master Degree in an Information Technology based business discipline from a reputable university, or another tertiary qualification with extensive experience and proven skills in Information Technology.
- Experience 10-15 years experience in managing IT Infrastructure.
- Knowledge and skills in managing server with various OS, data and voice communication, and network security.
- Knowledge and skills in managing service contracts and outsourced services.
- Familiar with internationally recognised standards in Information Technology fields.
- Excellent spoken and written English and presentation skill.
- Qualifications in Unix & Windows server administration and Microsoft Windows system, personal computer administration, and network administration.
- Ability to facilitate/manage teams in the achievement of common goals.
4. Senior Safety Auditor(Code: --)
Main elements of the position description include:
- Lead safety audit teams in the planning and execution of Fatality Prevention Element Audits of KPC Departments and Registered Contractors.
- Lead safety audit teams in the planning and execution of CMS Type of Work Assessments for new or existing Contractors requiring approval for additional Types of Work in a diverse range of fields.
- Lead safety audit teams in the planning and execution of Baseline Audits for new Contractors approximately 3-6 months after the commencement of their initial contract.
- Lead safety audit teams in the planning and execution of OHSAS18001 Audit and any other Special Request Audits, which will be conducted as directed by HSE Division Management, KPC Management, and/or Contracts Committees.
- Provide formal feedback on the findings and recommendations of audits and assessments to KPC and Contractor management.
- Promptly develop and distribute formal reports, which meet the required standard, based on the findings and recommendations of the audits and assessments.
- Respond to queries relating to audits and assessments from the auditees.
- Provide support to Contractors and KPC Departments on the implementation of the improvement actions as highlighted within the audit and assessment reports.
- Ensure all activities are performed in accordance with Indonesia’s Decree of The Minister of Mines and Energy Number 555.K/26/M.PE/1995 On General Mining Occupational Safety and Health and KPC’s Safety Standards & Requirements.
Qualifications & Experience :
- Minimum S1 graduate in relevant fields with at least 5 years working experience in occupational health and safety, preferably within a mining operation environment and including safety audits.
- Excellent report writing both in Indonesian and English.
- Excellent interpersonal communication skills for liaising with customers.
- Excellent presentation skills both in Bahasa Indonesia and English to present audit plan during opening meeting and audit results during feedback meeting.
- Excellent knowledge and skill of audit at a level of being able to lead and coach others.
- Excellent spoken and written English and presentation skill.
- Thorough knowledge of safety management system, relevant legal requirements and implementation, preferably having thorough knowledge of the KPC Fatality Prevention Elements and PRIMA NIRBHAYA standards.
- Thorough knowledge and skill in the execution of KPC’s 7-Step Audit Methodology.
This is a challenging career prospect and a very competitive remuneration & benefit package will be offered to qualified candidate.
If your background meets these requirements, forward your resume (including details of present position & remuneration, your latest color photograph) no later than 26th July 2008 to the following address:
The Superintendent Recruitment
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, PO BOX 620
Balikpapan 76106, Kalimantan Timur
E-mail: recruitment@kpc.co.id
Lowongan di Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur, PT Kaltim Prima Coal s/d 26 Juli 2008
Kategori Lowongan Balikpapan
Gerakan Menuju Indonesia Bebas Pengangguran. Selamat berburu pekerjaan, semoga sukses, amien.